Toyota Boosts EV Ecosystem with Charging Facilities

Electric vehicles (EVs) are the talk of the town, but to make them truly shine, you need a solid supporting cast—think infrastructure. Building up this ecosystem is a shared responsibility from the government to the manufacturers. And, stepping up to the plate, PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) is committed to creating an ecosystem that stands behind the mobility of electrified vehicles.

Total Mobility Solution by Toyota

Anton Jimmi Suwandy, who is the Marketing Director at TAM, tells all. He stresses that Toyota is dedicated to building this environment as part of a complete and long-lasting Total Mobility Solution. Toyota’s xEV range includes Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV), and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV). All of this is meant to help people who use these vehicles.

“The Toyota xEV Ecosystem is more than just official workshops that meet Toyota’s global standards. It also includes charging stations at Toyota stores.” “The ecosystem also has Privilege Charging Spots and Privilege Parking Spots that are easy to get to, safe, and comfortable in a number of public places,” Anton told Marketeers on October 5, 2023.

Toyota Develop Charging Spots Across Indonesia

In addition, Ultra Fast Charging Spots prepared at rest areas along the Trans-Java Toll Road to maintain long-distance mobility for Toyota’s xEVs. Anton notes that Toyota’s xEV Ecosystem includes charging facilities for Toyota and Lexus BEV and PHEV types, all available for free at 50 Toyota outlets.

These spots complement official workshops across Indonesia capable of conducting periodic services and repairs for all types of Toyota’s electrified vehicles. With a vision of continuous improvement, the Toyota xEV Ecosystem also prepared in public areas to provide ease and support the lifestyle of customers.

Expanding Network of Dealerships

Currently, there 50 Toyota dealerships equipped with these facilities. This number set to grow to 200 by the end of 2023, with even more in the years to come. Each outlet features a 22 kW AC Charger.

“Toyota supports the mobility of electric vehicle users in urban areas by introducing the Toyota xEV Ecosystem in selected public areas. As a pilot project, we have provided Privilege Charging Spots and Privilege Parking Spots at ASHTA Mall in the exclusive SCBD area of South Jakarta,” he adds.

Privilege Charging Spots: A Nifty Perk for EV Owners

Only Toyota BEV and PHEV batteries can charged at the Privilege Charging Spot. It has two 7 kW AC Charger Type 2 units and a 120 kW Ultra Fast Charger with three gun charger types: CCS2, CHAdeMO, and AC Type 2 at 22 kW. Customers can use them for free while they shop or hang out at the mall. So they working on more than just the car. They are also working on the whole EV SLOT DEMO experience.

In short, Toyota is stepping up its efforts to make sure that having and driving an electric car isn’t just a way to get around. It also a lifestyle choice that backed by a strong and easy-to-reach charging infrastructure.


